A broken or fractured ankle is a very painful injury. This occurs when one or more of the bones in the ankle, the tibia or fibula, break. There are many ways you might break your ankle including a simple misstep, a fall, a car accident, or blunt trauma to your ankle. The degree of the fracture can vary greatly from a hairline crack in your bone, to a complete break.
You've injured your ankle. How can you tell the difference between a minor injury, sprain and an ankle fracture? Here are some broken ankle symptoms to look for:
A broken ankle often occurs after a twisting incident, but it can also happen after a blunt force hits your ankle. If these are the symptoms you are seeing, especially deformity of the ankle, it's time to see a doctor. A sprained ankle, on the other hand, is the stretching or tearing of the ligaments holding the ankle bones in place. Some of the symptoms may be similar, so the best way to determine what type of injury you have is to have your injury looked at by an orthopedic specialist.
Treatment for a broken ankle will depend on the severity and location of the break. There are a few tests your doctor may use to determine what type of injury you have.
Once your broken ankle symptoms have been properly assessed, a treatment plan can be put into place. This may be as simple as wearing a walking boot. In some cases surgery may be necessary to fully repair your ankle fracture.
Dr. Brad Dresher of Colorado Springs Orthopaedic group is here to help when you are experiencing broken ankle symptoms. Dr. Dresher treats local patients and those from across the United States who seek him out for his expertise in orthopedics. He has advanced training in foot and ankle problems and is able to treat the broad range of conditions and injuries that can occur throughout life including broken ankles. Give Dr. Dresher a
call today.